
Monday Mar 21, 2016
046 Is Emotional Healing Necessary?
Monday Mar 21, 2016
Monday Mar 21, 2016
In this week's podcast I answer the question: "Is emotional healing necessary?"

Monday Mar 14, 2016
045 Praying Medic and His Wife - A Time of Transition
Monday Mar 14, 2016
Monday Mar 14, 2016
In this message my wife and I discuss the rewarding, but often grueling times we go through when transitioning from the familiar to the new.

Monday Feb 22, 2016
044 Matthew Robert Payne - The Writer's Life
Monday Feb 22, 2016
Monday Feb 22, 2016
I talked with my mate from down under Matthew Robert Payne for a couple of hours about writing books on the kingdom of God. This is an intimate conversation about our passion for Jesus and our love of writing books.

Monday Feb 15, 2016
043 Partnering With God and Traveling in the Spirit
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Monday Feb 15, 2016
My pal Shae Bynes is back! In the first part of this message we discuss how I partner with God as an author. In the second part, we discuss traveling in the spirit.

Monday Feb 08, 2016
042 Facebook Friends and the Sid Roth Show
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Monday Feb 08, 2016
A humorous look at our gathering with Facebook friends during our trip to North Carolina to tape an episode of It's Supernatural with Sid Roth.

Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
041 Krista Bontrager - Healed of Bipolar
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
In this episode, my friend Krista Bontrager shares her testimony of being healed of bipolar disorder. Krista suffered symptoms of depression all her life. After attending seminary and becoming a professional theologian, her life began spiraling out of control and that's when she discovered the keys to her freedom. If you know anyone who suffers anxiety, depression or bipolar, this message is sure to give them hope.

Monday Dec 21, 2015
040 Hearing God's Voice Made Simple
Monday Dec 21, 2015
Monday Dec 21, 2015
In this message, my wife talk and I talk about our latest book Hearing God's Voice Made Simple.
Topics covered:
- How everyone can hear God’s voice
- My testimony of becoming a Christian
- The not so audible voice of God
- How can we know we're hearing from God
- How He speaks through art
- How He speaks through our emotions
- How He God speaks through the gift tongues
- How people prophesy without knowing it

Monday Dec 14, 2015
039 Jeremy Mangerchine - What to Do Once You Know You're Free
Monday Dec 14, 2015
Monday Dec 14, 2015
I caught up with my friend Jeremy Mangerchine at an airport on his way to India. This is a casual conversation about his latest book The Table and the Dream. The theme of which is what do do with your freedom in Christ once you know you're free.
- The relationship funnel
- Stages of spiritual growth
- Being a co-creator with God
- Mastering the human experience
- What to do once you know you’re free
- Routines, habits and creative head space
- Coming alive versus living in dysfunction
- Pushing though discouragement and completing a difficult process

Monday Nov 30, 2015
038 Del Hungerford - Healing Frequencies
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Del Hungerford is a classically trained musician who has been experimenting with music tuned to 432 Hz with some interesting results. For those who are not familiar with this subject, there's been much discussion in recent years about what is called 432 tuning. In this tuning, the A note above middle C, which has long been the keynote against which instruments are tuned, is set to vibrate at 432 cycles per second, (or Hertz) as opposed to the Western standard of 440 Hertz. Many musicians are convinced that this tuning has special properties—some have even called it "The God frequency." Del discusses her experiences with this tuning and a whole lot more. (She has articles on her website that discuss these subjects in greater detail.)
- Del’s background in music
- Solfeggio frequencies
- Schumann resonances
- Entrainment to stronger frequencies
- 432 Hz and healing
- How God inspires creative people
- Being still and listening to God
- How practice increases the effectiveness of spiritual senses
- Going to heaven’s strategy room
- The life of a forerunner
Accessing heaven’s strategy room (article)
But Words Will Never Hurt Me (Del's book on surviving verbal abuse)

Monday Nov 16, 2015
037 The Kingdom of God Made Simple
Monday Nov 16, 2015
Monday Nov 16, 2015
In this episode, my friend Lisa Perna interviewed me for her radio show Touched by Prayer.
Topics covered in this message:
- How my wife and I reach atheists and agnostics
- The different ways in which God speaks to us
- The different spiritual senses
- Why Jesus is appearing to Muslims in dreams
- Where my name came from
- How to know if something is from God
- Visits from the great cloud of witnesses
- My plans to write a novel
- Are we living a Pinocchio life? (Article link)